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Gun Control Measures Pass In PA House.

Gun Control Measures Pass In PA House.

Last week, April 26, 2023 the Democrats in the PA House advanced four gun bills.

The package of four bills includes:

One to require long-barreled firearms to be sold with trigger locks. For decades now, FFL dealers have been required to include/provide a gun lock device with the sale of every handgun. Do you think that if the person buying the gun intends to commit a crime with that gun that they will lock it up from themselves?

A second requires gun owners to report a lost or stolen firearm to police within three days. Repeat offenders would face a misdemeanor charge. Within three days of what? What if you don’t realize your firearm is missing right away? Not all of us carry them everyday depending on where we are going. Most of us have more than one firearm, many more. This is making criminals out of law abiding citizens. How about you shoot at the criminal? How about you make stealing a firearm a TOUGHER SENTENCE AND EVEN TOUGHER YET IF YOU USE IT IN A CRIME.

A third bill would expand background checks on firearms buyers in Pennsylvania and end an exception for private sales of shotguns, sporting rifles and semi-automatic rifles, known as the “gun show” loophole. First of all it is not the “loophole” that is the exception. Background checks are the exception. Under the US and Penna. constitutions we have the right to keep and bear arms. There are no conditions. Free, open and conceal carry is the standard. These “rules” on law abiding citizens trying to carry out their rights are the “exceptions”.

The fourth, a so-called red flag bill, would allow a judge to order authorities to temporarily seize firearms from someone if asked by family members or police. Wow, wow, wow. So now we are going to alter or completely take away someone’s “RIGHTS” soley on the word of an angry or jaded spouse or significant other or even, a police officer based on what? Just because they “ASK”?

None of these proposals would have or will have any effect on gun violence. Why? Because GUNS don’t commit violence or crimes. PEOPLE DO. Focus on the PEOPLE that are committing crimes especially with firearms. STOP pleading down their sentences. Let them sit in jail. This is nothing but incrementalism. This is anti-gun fanatics trying to get every minute movement they can to remove guns.

Pennsylvania State Senators, do not let this stand. Protect our rights. Remember, if it weren’t for the firearms owned by the farmers, blacksmiths, merchants, and others the British flag would be hanging in the State House. You would be answering to the British Crown and Government.